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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

West Hill School

Severe Weather - What to do

In the event of a severe weather warning, where the safety of pupils may be compromised, the school’s normal opening hours may be affected.

In such an event the following procedures will be put in place:

  • As soon as we are alerted to severe weather an email/text message will be sent to parents with regular updates (if you know of a parent that would not receive an email we would ask that you would help them by notifying them that there may be a closure).
  • Any decision to close the school will be made by 7am. The decision to close will be taken by the Headteacher, usually in partnership with the Chair of Governors.
  • Information will be emailed/texted to parents and posted on the front page of the school website.
  • will be updated on a regular basis – you will need to refresh your browser if you stay logged on to the website.
  • Wherever possible, we will have the school phone manned for telephone queries.
  • There will be a skeleton staff manning the telephones and to be on hand should a pupil not get the message and arrive at school.
  • For school transport Surrey County Councils policy it is the driver’s responsibility to consider the conditions and decide if it is safe to undertake the journey.  If they decide it is not safe they are to contact parents directly to inform them that the taxi has been cancelled.

What happens if the weather deteriorates during the school day?

  • The school will only close in the event of severe weather or on advice from the Local Authority.  The decision will be made by the Headteacher.
  • The decision will be posted on the website, sent by email and text.
  • School office will notify Surrey County Council and transport companies the school is closing and ask them to attend and collect the children early where possible.
  • School will be kept opened and appropriately staffed until the last pupil has left the building.
  • Please note that staff are not permitted to give lifts to pupils.

How you can help: 

  • Relay the message to anyone you know not able to be contacted by the school.
  • Where possible, keep regular checks on the school website.